Saturday 21 June 2008

Oh yes - a final picture of....THE HAT!!!

A few more pics for your amusement - and now we are all safely home!

We are all safely home now after a really fantastic week greatly enjoyed by all the children and the staff! So glad you have all enjoyed the blog - it's been a pleasure taking 342 pictures, and keeping you all informed! We'll be making a CD for you all shortly.

Thursday 19 June 2008

Keep looking!

May not have time to publish pics before we leave tomorrow but keep looking at the weekend as will give you more when I get home - Love from Mrs B(logger)!!

And we are ALL keeping a daily diary!!!

Here we are again; back from the farm!

Groups 5 6 and7 had an amazing treat at the farm as a calf was born before their very eyes! It was immediately named after Ella who has had a great birthday and we still have some surprises for her tonight!

And here's a few more as Mrs B (blogger) is getting quicker at her french keyboard!

Rain today but no problem!! we all get wet anyway!

Today it's Ella's birthday and after activities this morning we are off to see the goats and to buy chocolate!

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Oh yes - the HAT

Mercredi le 18 juin and the sun is still shining!

The fun continues here and here are some comments from the children -

Malvika in Mr F's group says - we all got very wet in the lake and it was Lucy and Dylan who got Mr F wet! At the market everyone thought Neil and Brodie were French!

Zoe K in Miss K's group says - Nous avons fait du canoeing et rafting and enjoyed putting our tired brains to work in the quiz before bed time.

Simone White - Miss Keane' s group says Our favourite qctivity was the obstacle course! It was extremely muddy but very good fun! We also loved the abseiling and we were all very brave.

Hollie Roberts in Mrs Aspin's group says - Bonjour; our favourite thing today was the obstacle course: It was fantastically good, challenging and magnifique!

Louise Holliday in Mrs Gallagher's group says - We all enjoyed the zip wire especially when Miss Gallagher got stuck in the middle of the lake!

James Woods in Mr Y's group says - We are really enjoying the Chateau and the we broke the record on the triangle of terror and the zip wire was adrenalin packed!

Finally - Jacob Skelly in Mr B's group says the activities are fabtastically exquisitely challenging and it was very funny when Emma JB ran through a bush and fell out the other side laughing.

So - as you can tell - they are all very happy including the staff and the blogger (Mrs Brading) is quite at home on the computer apart from the french keyboard!!!

Enjoy some more pics!

Tuesday 17 June 2008

Sorry, missed the one with the teacher in it!

What an afternoon!

The fun is certainly building up here! The afternoon was very warm and sunny and everyone has had a really great time! Many got very wet - spot the teacher too! Mud was also the order of the day! And by the way - that monkey on the zip is??? well I'll let you work that out!!!