Thursday 23 June 2011

Year 6 - Change of Return Pick Up Point

Please note the collection point for Year 6 returning from France has changed to Darrick Wood Secondary School.

Year 6 are expected to return tomorrow (Friday) at 4.00pm approx. Please do not park in Darrick Wood Secondary School grounds and remember that coaches will need access to Lovibonds Avenue.

Thank You


Bonjour from windy France. We have thoroughly enjoyed our last full day of activities at the Chateau and the trip to the sweet shop was indeed a highlight. Our taste buds were put to the test when we tried the frogs` legs and snails! Yum yum!

Miss Shippey

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Mrs Aspin and Miss Kilbey's groups on Mercredi 22nd Juin

Keep trying to publish pictures of Mercredi!

Birthday Cake picture plus a few others!

And more Mercredi shots

More pics from mercredi 22nd Juin

Pictures from Mercredi 22nd Juin

mercredi 22nd Juin

The children have had a fantastic day. We all visited a bakery, either in the morning or during the afternoon. where they had another chance (after yesterday's market visit) to practice their French. The incentive of a pain au chocolat was encouragement enough for many to speak up!

The groups have also spent time onsite enjoying various activities especially raft building and kayaking.

We celebrated Jack P, Sophie B and Millie F's birthdays with cake.

Most of the chldren have also found time to wash!

Some more pictures will now follow......

Mr Youlton