Monday 3 March 2014

Not long now!

Dear Parents and Carers

Year 4 Trip to Arethusa

The children should go to their classrooms as normal at 8.45am for registration.  Please could parents take their child’s baggage directly to the coaches, which will be parked at the entrance to the school car park on Tubbenden Lane.  The coaches will be loaded for a prompt departure at 9.30am.  After registration the children and staff will meet you at the coaches to say their goodbyes.  We expect to arrive at Rochester by 10.30am.  Notice of safe arrival will be posted on the school website and we shall also send a text message to the primary contact for each child, via our “Groupcall” system.

On the day of return, the children will have lunch at Arethusa and will leave by 1.30pm, arriving back at school at approximately 2.15pm.  Please be there to pick up your child from the coach, which will again park in the entrance to the school car park on Tubbenden Lane.

Tubbenden Admin