Wednesday 20 June 2007

Looking for my owner

We have an unclaimed pair of water shoes, size 5, please see Mr Steere to reclaim them!

Thursday 14 June 2007

And Finally

Final Group Photo before leaving for England!

Home insight

Thursday 7 June 2007

And more!!!

Enjoying Dinner!

And More!!!

Spot the Head Teacher?! - he got very wet trousers

We hope you have enjoyed seeing these pictures. We look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow!

Here they are - all of them!!

A special message for parents - make sure your washing machine is working well and you have plenty of soap powder - they have got DIRTY and SMELLY!!! But they are all very happy!! Here are some more photos and we are sure you will find your special person somewhere!

More photos as requested!!!

jeudi le 7 juin!!

Well, last night we ate snails and frogs legs - well most of us - they were yummy. We were all very tired and slept well until 7.30 am.

Sadly this morning it rained!! But this didn't dampen our enthusiasm!! 3 groups went on the tour of Rue - the little town where we are staying. They learned about the history and used their French to buy some gifts - and of course a few sweets!! They also completed a quiz - also partly in French.

Wednesday 6 June 2007

Mercredi le 6 juin!!

Everyone is having a really marvellous time!! We would like to share with you some of the comments made by the children in their daily diaries so far:

"Today we had a delicious breakfast which included chocolate croissants. Afterwards we did abseiling which was extremely scary when you had to lean over the side - I felt very proud I had done it"... Vinushan.

"Kayaking was superb!!! we played head, shoulders, knees and toes. Everyone fell off the kayak except me so the instructor pushed me off instead..." Ellen Glover

"The ferry was cool, the chateau is great and I saw Billy the chicken"... Holly Hull

"We did chateau olympics which was really great - my favourite game was welly wanging because we had to try and hit the instructor...

Ryan Dasley

"We went to the market in Etaples. I spent quite a bit of money on gifts as well as things for me. Then we went back and made mayonnaise which was really funny. This was due to the fact that I held the mixture over my head to check it was stiff enough"...Isabel Parkhouse.
From these comments we are sure you can see that we are all having fun!
Today we visited a goat farm and a chocolate factory - more comments about that tomorrow! It was great.

Tuesday 5 June 2007

Tuesday 5th June

Last night we had chateau olympics.

We are all having a great time . This morning we all visited the market at Etaples and some of us spent our Euros. We did very well with our French.

We also had a lesson from the chef here about making mayonnaise.

The weather is great.

Monday 4 June 2007

Year 6 arrived safely

Year 6 have arrived safely at the Chateau du Broutel!

The Adventure Begins

After weeks of anticipation Year 6's Trip to France has finally got underway! Pupils and Staff, accompanied by Head Teacher, Mr Youlton made a timely departure from The Federation of Tubbenden Schools this morning, bound for The Chateau du Broutel, France.

Look out for a further post later on today to confirm their arrival.

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Just Over a week to go

There is great anticipation for our forthcoming trip to France. Lots of last minute planning is taking place, to ensure everything goes smoothly.

The coaches leave from Reed Avenue at 10.30am on 4th June! Don't forget your passport if you haven't already handed it in!!