Thursday 7 June 2007

And more!!!

Enjoying Dinner!


Sandra said...

BRILL!!! Great to see them all looking so happy. Thank you! DON'T bring any frogs legs home though Nath!!

Love Mum

Linda said...

Fab - great pictures of lots of happy smiley kids (including Ben who can't resist posing - as usual!!!). Thanks for taking the group shots - you've made lots of parents very happy!

Can't wait to see you safe and sound tomorrow with demands for the usual things - Playstation, Pizza and perhaps now frogs legs???

love Mum & David xx

Alex Ellis said...

Great to see some more pictures!
Cannot believe that Friday is here already.
So nice to see some group shots and know that there really are lots of kids there.
Hope the ferry crossing isn't too rough with the grotty weather. Mr Y don't let them eat too much before sailing!
Can't wait to have our little rays of sunshine back so that normal service and bickering can resume at home. Didn't realise that the house would be so quiet ......

sootyandsammy said...

Cant believe its your last morning, for me it has gone very quickly!The weather doesn't look that good for today so I hope you've all got those sea legs on.....
And dont forget those ferry photos?
See you all tonight, the washing machine door is already open and waiting.....

Love, Mum x

sootyandsammy said...

Going back to the photographs - do a secure online photoshare gallery from which I believe everyone can order whichever prints they like, very reasonable too - Just a thought!!

judy said...

thanks to all the staff for giving the kids a great time to remember

Chris (Alex's mum) said...

To All;
Glad to see that all the children got back safely and in one piece.
Unfortunately Alex Woods camera was stolen by another school's children on a " room raid ".
We would be most grateful, that when you have processed your childs snaps that if you have any showing Alex we could be advised and arrange to get them copied.
please contact 877454. Thank you
Chas Woods

sootyandsammy said...

Yay, they home - I would just like to say a huge THANKYOU to all the staff for looking after them so well, an experience that they will never forget!

Alex Ellis said...

Sooooo glad that they are home and BOY you weren't kidding about the clothes standing up on their own. Happily though, they didn't seem to get through ALL the clothes so washing only three loads!!!!
Thank you to ALL the staff for looking after the kids and getting them home exhausted - I think you all deserve to pour yourselves a large glass of Duty Free this evening!
Thank you.

DanielJ said...

We had a great time and thank you to all the staff that came away with us including the instructors. The best bit was kayaking.

sootyandsammy said...

ok, here we go...... If anyone in the vicinity of Daniel Georges room has lost a pair of "George" at Asda brownish trousers, age 10-11, I have them!!!
How mant more posts like this will there be......

Chris (Alex's mum) said...

The Woods family;
the washing machine has finally stopped.
A big thank you to all the staff for looking after our children so well and for giving them a great time.
The Woods