Saturday 22 March 2008

4Q Are Back - Photos to Follow!

4Q arrived back at school safely to the delight of their waiting parents. They had a very busy last few hours at Arethusa, what with stripping off their beds (yes, they can all do it!!) and packing before they moved on to the activities. Then it was an action-packed last few hours before lunch and getting on the coach to go back home.

The class were split in to three groups, and all had a go at pool kayaking, rock climbing and the high wires. Everyone had a great time on all the activities, and many of them managed to have a go at the "Leap of Faith" where they climbed a 35 foot pole and leapt off to catch a trapeze. They all tried their best at everything, and should be very proud of themselves.

A technical problem is stopping us from posting any more photos at the moment, but they will be uploaded as soon as we can, once we get back to school. Don't forget to keep looking at the blog to see who you can spot!

Thursday 20 March 2008

A Bit of Rain Won't Stop Us!!

After a busy morning, everyone enjoyed a hearty lunch. Just what they needed to set them up for the afternoon!

Which way, guys?

Before setting off to go orienteering, the group sat down to listen to the instructors.

The office here at Arethusa is closing down for the Bank Holiday weekend, so no more blogging for the time being. Keep looking after we get back tomorrow, and we will upload lots more pictures. See you soon!!!

4Q Venture Forth!!

After a lovely lunch, and some time unpacking and getting to know their way around Williams House where they are staying, what better way to start the afternoon than with a run around the adventure playground............

Dangerous Dan explained that we had to be careful of the Hippocrocadillians which had escaped and live in the forest. We all camouflaged our faces so that we couldn't be spotted, and set out to look for the creatures.

Mrs Sylvester tried to get away as fast as she could!

Wednesday 19 March 2008

A selection of the many photos taken during the stay

Here are a few more photos and we hope you enjoy spotting yourselves!

So much fun and some nervous moments for all!

All the children in 4B and 4T have had a wonderful time and have done things they would never have dreamed possible - and that goes for some of the staff too! Mrs Frost and Mr Youlton have both swung from the trapeze (not at the same time of course!) and Miss Tidbury, Mr Bloom and Miss Hollands have climbed the wall - been scared on the high ropes and of course - been covered in mud!

4Q arrive safely in the sunshine!

4Q arrived safely at Arethusa in brilliant sunshine at around 10.30 am. Having found their rooms, made their beds (or at least tried to!!) and unpacked a bit, they had their site tour and were excited to see their friends in 4T and 4B enjoying their last morning of activities - 4Q can't wait to get going - to be covered in mud, to swing from the trapeze, to climb the wall and to capsize in their kayaks!

4B and 4T Back in Sight!!

4Q Arrive safely

More to following later

Tuesday 18 March 2008

And now it gets serious!!!

After a good meal, and lots of fun and games in the gym, it was lights out at 8.30 with sleep following some time later!

At 6 o'clock, they were all awake again - no rest for the staff team! Everyone enjoyed their breakfast of sausages and cereal, then it was down to the real business of the day. We split up into teams and went off to a variety of activities which included rock climbing, kayaking, high wire, orienteering and initiative games. Hope you like the photos. Everyone had a really good go at everything, even the staff, and they should all be feeling proud of themselves tonight!

Don't look down!

Mrs Brading, being brave!

Hope it's not cold!

Refuelling ..........

Any one for Pooh Sticks!

Nearly there!

Monday 17 March 2008

The Fun has well and truly begun!!

We arrived safely and after unpacking and settling into our rooms we had a delicious lunch -jacket potatoes, cheese, beans, fruit etc. This afternoon some of us have been swimming and others have been on a VERY MUDDY adventure walk!! Everyone is very happy and I am sure they will sleep well tonight!!

Do you recognise any of these - please warn your washing machines!

Nearly there ....

Children and Teachers have arrived safely at Arethusa Adventure Centre!

The Adventure Begins

The much anticipated Year 4 Trip to Arethusa got under way this morning,

Wednesday 12 March 2008

Under a week to go

There is great anticipation for our forthcoming trip to Arethusa. Lots of last minute planning is taking place, to ensure everything goes smoothly. The coaches leave from Reed Avenue at 9.30am on Monday 17th March. Don't forget your toothbrushes!!!!