Wednesday 19 March 2008

4Q arrive safely in the sunshine!

4Q arrived safely at Arethusa in brilliant sunshine at around 10.30 am. Having found their rooms, made their beds (or at least tried to!!) and unpacked a bit, they had their site tour and were excited to see their friends in 4T and 4B enjoying their last morning of activities - 4Q can't wait to get going - to be covered in mud, to swing from the trapeze, to climb the wall and to capsize in their kayaks!


The Barnes said...

Glad to see you all arrived safe, have a fab time Ellie, we are missing you already!! looking forward to seeing more pictures.
Love Mum , Dad, George(V jealous) & Alfie

Thistles said...

Hello Yazz. Hope you are having fun - it looks fab & we are all looking forward to seeing you in action! Enjoy yourself and see you Friday!! Lots of love Mum, Dad and Lewis xxx

Reeves said...

Hi Heather and 4Q, We hope that you all have a great time. We're all missing you.
Love Mum, Dad, Jenny, Bridget(and Harry) xxxxx

denise said...

Hello Gemma
Hope you are having a really lovely time and joining in on all the fun activities. Missing you loads.
Love mum and dad, paul and david
(see you soon XX)

nikki said...

Hi Emily, Glad to see you have all arrived safely. The house is very quiet and tidy without you. Missing you lots - love Mum, Dad and Poppy xxx

Sarah said...

Hi Annie, Have loads of fun, the house is very quiet without you! Can't wait to see you tomorrow! lots of love Mum, Dad & Ollie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

seppings said...

Hi Hannah and 4Q. I hope that you are having a brilliant time and having a go at the different activities. Missing you and looking forward to seeing you and also hearing about your adventures. Lots of love from Mum. Dad and Jodie xxx

daddynoonan said...

Hi Annie,

See what you can do about staying for a week!!

see you this afternoon!

Lots of love from Mum, Dad
and oliver xxx