Tuesday 17 June 2008

Mardi le 17 juin! Il fait beau!

Well, our first full day is well under way! We have made mayonnaise, and visited the market where we spent some of our euros! We are all enjoying lovely food and fab weather. This afternoon the activities are in full swing with some doing the zip wire, some canoeing and some the obstacle course!

And by the way - Miss Kilbey's group ARE here (blogger's error!!) See below!


jon birke said...

Thank you for the latest pictures including the missing Kilbey party -the search party has been now been called off! Everyone seems to be having great fun. Enjoy.

Jon said...

Hi Cat, great to see you looking so happy in pics and hope you are having a fun time today. Will keep an eye on the blog to see what you are up to. Hope you are having good weather (looks like it from pics). Love, Mum, Dad & Alex (& Marcus!)

Unknown said...

Hi Liam,
Great to see the usual pose of thumbs up! Looks like you're all having a great time,have fun in the wild games tonight.lol mum, dad and Finn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Thank you to whoever is putting the photos on the blog so quickly

Sally Langdon said...

Hi Emily

Great to see you looking so happy - the weather looks fabulous too!! Hope you are having fun looks like it - remember to enjoy every minute as it will go by in a flash - love you loads Mum & Dad xxxx

elizabeth lommi said...

Hi jody! You look like you are having loads of fun already! I hope the weather is good for you. I have nearly finished decorating your bedroom, its looks great! Bet you can't wait to see it! Miss you lots but at least I won't have to watch "Hannah Montana" for a few more days. Enjoy yourself! Luv u lots. Mummy xxxx

Mandy & Family said...

Hi dylan, nice to see your having fun in your picture honey, maybe try smiling next time :)! All missing you, esp luke already trying to teach jamie how to do the xbox. Remember to have fun and take lots of pictures. Cant wait to hear what you have done. Love you Loads
From Mum Dad Luke Meg & Jc xxxxx

Emily Carter :) said...

Hey Will, just to let you know im looking after your hamster well :)
of course, i dont miss you, your a loser brother :) only joking mate, your kinda cool i guess :)
lots of love you favourite sister emily, who has lotsaa exams at the moment.

love you loadddds will remember to give the nice lady helpers a big smoochy kiss :)

Emily Carter :) said...
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Unknown said...

Hey Zoe Looks like great fun, you look really happy and good weather too - what more could we ask for! Hope you have some euros left for rest of week. House VERY quiet - even Josh is being quiet.Neo enjoying rest but I'm sure will welcome you home Friday. Have fun on the zip wire, know you are looking forward to that. Hope the beds are comfy. Missing you loads, will compare tans Friday.
Lots of love Mum, Dad, Josh cats and vermin bros xxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Emily (Tokely)
You look a picture of concentration with the ball on the obstacle course! Hope you're enjoying it - the weather looks great.

Love Mum Dad (Tabby, Chocolate and Rosy)
btw thanks to whoever is putting these photos on so quickly.