Wednesday 18 June 2008

Oh yes - the HAT


Anonymous said...
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Frosty said...

.....and that certainly is some hat!!!

Karen said...

It all looks brilliant fun and everyone looks like they are thoroughly enjoying themselves. Well done Mrs Brading for all your hard work with the photos. Keep them coming!

Sally Langdon said...

Hi Emily

The weather is still looking good and we liked the group photo although you all look very tired or is it concentration?!!!

Miss Kilbey is looking happy and looks like she is getting a nice tan!! No comment on the hat!! very headmasterish!!! Hope you enjoyed the zip wire today and remembered your gloves!!

Love you loads and loads love
Mummy & Daddyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sally Langdon said...

Thank you to Mrs Brading for keeping us to date with all photos and comments - the keyboard must keep you on your toes!!

jacqui said...

hi joe.d. hope your having a gr8 time, miss you loads you seem to be avoiding the photos it would be nice to see you in some (need to know if your wearing something other than your jeans ha ha we did pack plenty of clothes)
love you mum,dad,hope and molly gogs.xx

Donna&Ciara said...

Hi Ben D

Glad to see you eating carrots, guess what you have for tea on Friday!

Ciara says only 2 more sleeps and can she have your sweets while you are away. Have lots more fun and we'll see you soon.

Mum & Bobby

Unknown said...

Hi Liam
Hope you've had a good day-it looks much warmer there than it is here!Hope you've got some money left for the chocolate factory tomorrow-no pressure!!!!only joking.
lol mum, dad and Finn

elizabeth lommi said...

Hi Jody, have not seen you in any photos today. Hope you enjoyed the obstacle course!! How did your mayo turn out? looked tasty!! Have finally finished your bedroom so something for you to look forward to when you come home. Everyone is missing you(especially me!) Pepper says "woof" to you! Love you loads and loads. Mum xxxxxxx

Willsdad said...

I must say that Mr Youlton has a very smart hat Will.....double pocket money if you can get a picture of you on the Blog wearing it!!! now there's a challenge!!!!

Mandy B said...

Hi Hols,

We havent seen a photo of you doing activities yet and are very curious to see how you coping without the GHD's ! Maybe you have bribed Mrs Brading not to use any photo's of you ! You all look like you are having a ball. Carry on having fun ! Lots a love Mum,Dad, Callie & Crystal

Carys Snipp said...

Hey my lovely Meggie girl,
Hope your day was great fun and that you survived the zip! Group photo of you looks very serious hope you weren't in trouble for speaking French all the time HA!!
Weather still looks good too, lucky you, its rubbish here. Missing you loads, feels lke you've been away ages. Ossie now knows how to ask for ice cream! Sleep tight darling, love you so much Mummy xxxxxxxxxx

diane said...

diane said...
Hello Adam (egan) !!!!! Looks like an amazing trip so far..... wish we were there to .... well done to ms Brading for keeping so many parents informed and entertained with photo's and info and so promptly updated ... we hope the teachers are enjoying it too and are getting some sleep !
Dan is missing winding you up and has his last GCSE exam tommorow ... OMG !!
ROLL ON FRIDAY ! keep safe babeeeee xxxxxx
PS .. no you can not have one of those hats LOL LOL :)

Carys Snipp said...

Thank you so much to those of you posting all the great photos and comments, although i am becoming obsessed with checking it! Is that normal?
Huge thanks again
Carys Snipp x

Guy said...

Hello Ben D. Looks and sounds like your having a great time little man. Cant wait to hear all about it when you get back. In the meantime enjoy every minute. Love Dad xxx

Eli Payne said...

Hi Harry,
Looks so much fun we are really jealous. Nice to see you've worn more than one outfit. I wonder if the wash bag's been opened yet?!
Yes Mrs Snipp, it's quite normal to keep checking the site, I am doing the same! Makes a change from Facebook!!!
Poor Mr youlton with all that teasing about his hat, he's obviously forgotten to pack his toupee (french word!) chaps and doesn't want to get a sunburnt head.
Missing you H.
Mum & Georgi xxxxxxxxxx

Carys Snipp said...

Hi Big Sis, hope you are havin a fabulous time in France! Me and Oscar are really missing you. Cant wait to see you on Friday, hope you wont be too tired to chat.
Love you loads from your 2 Bros
B and O xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mandy & Family said...

Hi Dylan
We are loving all the great photos of you all having fun. Pleased to see you had a wash even though fully clothed and in a boat with Luke and MrF!!!! Enjoy yourself honey x
Love you loads from mum dad ru megz and jamie jobs xxxxxxxxxx

Sally Langdon said...

Hi Emily

Just had a look at the photos in more detail and notice that the desserts all seem to be chocolate - poor you - hope there is something nice there you can eat!! Perhaps you can get some dark chocolate tomorrow at the choccy factory and make up for lost time!!! Daddy and I have also become addicted to this blogg like Carys - we turn the computer on at 7 in the morning and check it constantly throughout the day its become a competition as to who sees the photos first!!! I'm winning!! you know what Daddy's like with computers - he has learnt how to refresh the page now!! Sleep well my lovely!!

Love you loads Mummy & Daddy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sophie said...

heyy hollie roberts

its your lovely sister here ;) i hope your having a fab time, mum and i are going through the photos everyday to see if your having a good time, but there arent that many so stop being all shy and get infront of that camera;) and you to ella, millie is complaining that you arent in any pictures and probably running away from the camera :) Anyway i hope the weather keeps up and you all enjoy yourself!
Lots of Love
Sophie xxx

Sue & Martin Paine said...

Hi Lewy

You look like you are all having a fantastic time. Your weather looks great and the activities look good fun. We hope you are having a go at all the activities, including the zip wire! We are all missing our evening cup of tea. Look forward to seeing you Friday.
Love Mum,Dad,Rob & Dan

Sophie said...

heyy hollie roberts

its your lovely sister here ;) i hope your having a fab time, mum and i are going through the photos everyday to see if your having a good time, but there arent that many so stop being all shy and get infront of that camera;) and you to ella, millie is complaining that you arent in any pictures and probably running away from the camera :) Anyway i hope the weather keeps up and you all enjoy yourself!
Lots of Love
Sophie xxx

Sophie said...

heyy hollie roberts

its your lovely sister here ;) i hope your having a fab time, mum and i are going through the photos everyday to see if your having a good time, but there arent that many so stop being all shy and get infront of that camera;) and you to ella, millie is complaining that you arent in any pictures and probably running away from the camera :) Anyway i hope the weather keeps up and you all enjoy yourself!
Lots of Love
Sophie xxx

nikki and steve c said...

Hi Abbie,
You look like you are having a terrific time. The weather looks lovely and everyone seems very happy. Daddy and I miss you loads, both Sam and Tom and teddy send their love too!
Enjoy the rest of your holiday darling and don't eat too much chocolate! Take care, we look forward to seeing more pics.
Love Mummy, Daddy, Sam, Tom and Teddy. xxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Liam
It's your last full day, hope you're still having a great time, can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow!missing you loads,hope to see some pictures of you climbing today(in some different clothes perhaps?) enjoy the chocolate factory-eat some chocolate for me!luv u lots an lots
mum xxxx

tina b said...

Hi El We are all thinking about you today and wondering how you are getting along on your birthday.We all wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY !Have fun today and enjoy spending your birthday with all your friends .Hope there is enough cake to go round!
Lots of love from all the Bondies xxxxx

Sally Langdon said...

Hi Emily
Enjoy the chocolate factory today hope to see some photos later - enjoy your last full day and we will see you tomorrow - can't wait to hear all about it - have fun - love you loads & loads love
Mummy & Daddyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Millie x said...

Hi Bellsie
HAPPY BIRTHDAY :) please try and get sme pictures of you especially today cos ur not 11 twice u know!! lol .love u lots hope you liked the presents and are having fun with all your friends . BTW i love chocolate HINT HINT only joking. see you soon lots of love millie xxxxxxxxxxx ( 11) hehe

Barbara said...

Hey Lu

Just wanted to say hi to you and Em and wish Ella a great birthday. See you tomorrow, and don't worry about missing activities like the obstacle course when you come home because you can re-live it in your room - I have left it exactly as it was!! Joking. Have fun.
Lots of love
Mum Dad and Em. xx

jazzysam said...

Hi Alex missing u. Georgina and I r looking after the bunnies but we might leave biskuits poo tray on Friday 4 u 2 clean out when u get back lol. Im going to get a purple cast NOT PINK lol. cant wait 4 u 2 come home its a tad borring here but the weather is ok OHH and Amy B said Hi, anyway have fun love u loads xoxo sammy xoxo

Mum and Dad said hope you tried the frogs legs and snails delicious in garlic!

xxxx Mum & Dad xxxxx

Jon said...

Hi Cat, still keeping an eye on the blog - but no photos of your group for a couple of days so looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back. Still loads to do yet so enjoy! Love, M, D & AJ.

stephen richardson said...

Hi Jack,

Hope you're having a great time. Missing you loads, even Charlotte said if you're away another two weeks she will miss you.

All ok here. Don't eat too much chocolate and make sure you wash behind your ears.

All our love
Mum, Dad, lottie and buttons

Lucy said...

Hi Ella, Happy birthday! have a great day at the chocolate factory with all your friends! not many people get to spend their birthday in France with all their friends and eating chocolate!!
Did you wake up early this morning? Hope that you are managing to wake up when the teachers wake you up and arent being left sleeping until everyone has had their breakfast like me!! hehe
Enjoy your remaining 2 days there and hope you have great fun with all the activities you have left!!
Cant wait to see you on Friday! lots of love,your big(gest) sister Lucy xxxxxxxxx

Bigfoot said...

Alex K
still waiting to see a picture of your group doing some activities, or have you all stayed in your room for the last three days? Have a good time at the chocolate factory today. See you tommorrow.
Love you more!

Mum and Dad

patrick bennett said...

hi guys hope you are having a fun time by the way will when your dad says double pocket money he means none. have a safe journey back Patrick b 6G

Emily Carter :) said...

Hey Will,
Looks like you are having a really fun time :)
Enjoy the chocolate factory visit, but be prepared for torture if you dont bring any home for me :)

Love Emily xxx