Tuesday 17 June 2008

What an afternoon!

The fun is certainly building up here! The afternoon was very warm and sunny and everyone has had a really great time! Many got very wet - spot the teacher too! Mud was also the order of the day! And by the way - that monkey on the zip is??? well I'll let you work that out!!!


Debbie said...

Hi Bet

Glad to see you r having a wonderful time on the blog photos. I love the water photo especially; you look so happy which is a great relief!! Don't forget enjoy every moment and give the zip a try you will love it............
We all miss you terribly and can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Love u loads Mummy, Daddy, Nanny, Spicey, Finn and Chippy XXXXXXXXXX

jon birke said...

Hi Ellen
I hope you are having a fun time in France - looks like it from the pictures!I hope you will come home
happy and bring me some nice chocolate from the factory.
I hope you have a great time on the zip wire it looks fun.I hope you enjoy the rest of the trip.
Love you loads from your sister Gracie XX

Sally Langdon said...

Hi Emily

Looks like you are having loads of fun - like the wet look!! How did we guess Joe would end up so muddy - glad I havent got to do his washing!!! Lucky Eve!! Hope you had fun on the on the canoe and looks like you made a great raft. Have fun on the zip wire - We're dead jealous of your activities tomorrow would love to be abseiling and going down the zip look forward to hearing all about it and seeing some excellent photos on the blogg tomorrow.

Love you loads & loads Mummy & Daddy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

By the way Nanna and Grandad are checking the blogg every day and texting me checking up on your progress - we are all so pleased you are having funxxxxxxxxx

Mandy & Family said...

Dyl its megan.
Hope your having fun and not getting in to any troble, nar im only joking :)
Weather looks good, hope it stays like that for you. Maybe you can try giving a smile in your picture next time :)Jokingg.
Cant wait to hear what you have done. Have fun and i will see you when you get back. Dont forget to take lots of pictures & make the most of it cos the five days go fast soo quicky. Love you lots like jelly tots ;)
Your big sis xxx

Carys Snipp said...

Hi Meggie
It looks so amazing there and you look so happy which is fantastic. The raft/canoe looked a hoot as did your helmet! (Only kidding!)
Hope you continue to have the time of your life. Daddy is looking at the pictures on the blogsite from his hotel in Amman, so he can see you too, clever eh? Ossie and Bill send loads of kisses and hugs. Love you loads Mummy

Grandma said...

Hi Holly
What a fab time you are having. I asked Callum whether he thought you had eaten frogs' legs yet. He thought not but proceeded to tell me that he had eaten toads' eyeballs!!! You know how he always has to go one better. We can't wait to hear all about the trip when you get back.
Love and hugs from Grandma xx