Monday 16 June 2008

Year 6 arrive safely at Le Chateau!

After a safe journey we all arrived safely. We had a lovely dinner and then let off steam at the Chateau Olympics!


sharon said...

Photos are lovely but Miss Kilbeys group is missing and Mr Barnards group is shown twice - Please could we see the other children - thanks.

Karen said...
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Unknown said...

Great pictures of the groups-none of them look tired, it could be a long night!!!!

Karen said...

Hi Louise, Looks lovely there. Have a brilliant time, enjoy the zip wire tomorrow and don't fall in!
Don't forget my chocolate.
Love Mum, Dad, James and Jezzie xx

Willsdad said...

Well done for posting such good pics so soon after arriving. Have a great time Will, don't you forget you are in with the Guv'nor...

Sally Langdon said...

Hi Ems

Have refreshed the blog all night hoping they might put a photo of you and your group up but alas nothing - so we hope you are having a great time - am sure you are as everyone else looks happy - hoping to see some photos tomorrow its 11.30pm here now and hope you are fast asleep - will look again in the morning-love you have fun

Mummy & Daddy

Donna&Ciara said...

Great photos, you all look so happy. Have a fantastic time.

Love Mum, Ciara, Dean, Jar Jar, Binx and Fizzy!!


Frosty said...

Bonjour Mrs Brading! Ca va?
Photos are lovely as always; well done for getting them on the blog so soon after that long journey. All's well back at the ranch, although those you have left behind always like a good souvenir. Preferably from the choccie factory rather than the goat farm!! Keep on blogging. Love, Mandy x.

Dave said...

Hi Emily.S - Have lots of Fun and enjoy the Chocolate Factory (Don't eat it all) Love Mum,Dad,Thomas & Duke xxxx

Mandy B said...

Bonjour Holly, looks like you are having fab time - enjoy today's activities - zip wire over the lake - beats Maths and English ! Love Mum,Dad,Callum and Crystal (grrrr)

Ann Marks said...

Hi Chloe,
I bet that you didn't expect to hear from me!! We all hope that you had a great journey and that the fun started from the time that you left school. Did you enjoy the boat trip?
I will be looking into this site everyday to what you are upto. I am also looking forward to seeing photo's of the teachers joining in!!! Give my best wishes to the teachers and I hope that they enjoy the trip to. I miss and love you lots dear. Love Nana XXXXXXXXX

jacqui said...

hi joe gr8 photoes of you so soon after arriving and look forward to seeing more of you. have a fantastic time dont forget my goats cheese
love mum,dad,hope and molly gogs.xx

Pauline said...

Hi Chloe B

Don't forget my chocolates but no dark chocolate ones. Looks like you're having fun, and what a lovely Chateau! Hope you haven't done the dare!

Love Mum and Ryan x

Lisa Marks said...

Hi ya Chloe
Hope you are having loads of fun? We miss you lot's. Don't get up to mischief or i'll have to poke you in the eye. LOL.
Love you loads smelly
lot's of love Auntie Lisa and Charlie xxxxxx