Friday 10 July 2009

Safely home again!!

As promised, here are some final pictures of our trip - we had a safe journey and particularly enjoyed being on deck on the ferry - as you can see!!

Thursday 9 July 2009

Some final comments from the children

Shaanya - " I really enjoyed the raft building and zip wire which was really scary!"

Billy - "My favourite part of the day was the chocolate factory and the chocolate was yummy".

Daniel and Isobel and Rhea - "We have had a great day. Our raft broke up and we all ended up in the lake. We are now off to do a scavenger hunt. See you tomorrow!"

Katie, Ogechi and Rory - "Had a really fun day. Zip wire was cool, archery was awesome, chocolate was delish and the whole week has been fantastic!!"

Connor H and Kyle - "the arhery was 'ARM AZING' and the blind trail was fantastic and mudelicious!"

Robert, Sam and Jamie - "The week's been great but we are very tired and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow."

Kengo - "I liked canoeing especially throwing balls into the instructor's boat!"

Kate - "I liked the heart shaped chocolates at the factory."

Niamh - "I liked all the pretty corn bouquets at the wheat farm".


Chocolate Factory and Wheat Farm Trip

We had a lovely afternoon, eating chocolate, making corn dollies and when we arrived home at the chateau (a little late) it was FROGS LEGS AND SNAILS for dinner - burgers and sausages too!! Now all are enjoying a scavenger hunt and then it will be another birthday celebration - this time for Ross!

More fun in the sun and spot the hat?

Last night we celebrated Connor's birthday with a lovely cake from the chateau. After lunch today we shall be off to the chocolate fatory and then a wheat farm. We will hope to show more pics later. Thanks for your nice comments and glad u r enjoying the blog (Mrs B-logger!)

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Afternoon in Rue and some other pics!

What the children said today!

Anika, Bonnie and Kieran M - "we all got very muddy on the blind trail but we loved it".

Paige, Sophie M and Natasha - "The blind trail was horrible and muddy but great fun!"

Rebecca Stubbs and Tilly - " we loved canoeing - it was great fun especially when we got wet! Then we dried our clothes on the bushes!!"

Svetlana and Lucy - "Today the food was great and the zip wire was excellent. It was really scary at first but so much fun when we let go."

Holly and Amelia - "We really loved the canoeing especially when we got wet. We really want to do it again."

Emma L - "I enjoyed the initiative exercises especially the tight rope walk."

Charlotte - "I really enjoyed the obstacle course - it was very muddy and wet"

Aaron - "The impact of the zip wire was wild".
Esher - " I enjoyed the trip to Rue especially the story about the window cleaner Maria!"

Mercredi le 8 juillet - il fait du soleil!

While you all get soaked with rain, we are basking in glorious sunshine and all having a marvellous time. It was birthday celebs 4 Matthew W last night and today it's happy birthday Connor G! We had activities this morning - obstacle course, zip wire, raft building and blind trail (quote of the morning - "the only problem with the blind trail is you can't see where you are going!" - Luke (T)!! Hope you enjoy more pics and then we'll be off to Rue to learn the history of the town, do a quiz and hopefully drink coffee at a pavement cafe (the staff only of course!!) By the way - spot the (HT's) hat competition starts now!

Tuesday 7 July 2009

More pics!

Pictures of our afternoon activities!

We enjoyed a range of activities including zip wire, archery, canoeing, raft building, obstacle course etc! The drying room is now full of wet and muddy clothes!