Wednesday 8 July 2009

Mercredi le 8 juillet - il fait du soleil!

While you all get soaked with rain, we are basking in glorious sunshine and all having a marvellous time. It was birthday celebs 4 Matthew W last night and today it's happy birthday Connor G! We had activities this morning - obstacle course, zip wire, raft building and blind trail (quote of the morning - "the only problem with the blind trail is you can't see where you are going!" - Luke (T)!! Hope you enjoy more pics and then we'll be off to Rue to learn the history of the town, do a quiz and hopefully drink coffee at a pavement cafe (the staff only of course!!) By the way - spot the (HT's) hat competition starts now!


Frosty said...

Bonjour Mme Brading, les professeurs et tous les enfants!!

How goes it? Blog's looking great as usual - the children's comments are a great idea. So glad that "le chapeau" competition is back on. Must have been very tempting to use it as target practice dangling over the lake!! Keep the piccies coming and have fun.

Mandy, Sally, Heather and Louise xx

The Haywards said...

Hi Samuel,
We're really enjoying the pictures, Anna and Joshua are having fun spotting the hat (thankyou Mrs Blogger!) Looks like you're having a fantastic time, we're very impressed by all the changes of clothing- bit better than scout camp!
we all miss you
lots of love Mum, Dad, Josh and Anna

The Greef Family said...

Bonjour Nathan,

It looks fun,have you been on the zip wire yet?

Natasha x

Adrian Rowley said...

Hi James,

Looks like you were raft building today. How wet did you get? Love the pictures and keep having fun.

Lots of love
Mum, Dad & Louisa

Gill Prizeman said...

Hi Matthew

Looks like you are having a great time. Glad the weather has been nice for you today, its still a bit grotty here. The house seems empty without you and very quiet. Continue to enjoy yourself and we look forward to seeing you on Friday.

Love you and miss you too.

Mum, Dad, Olivia, Alexandra, Jinx and Flopsy xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

G and G Lyme Regis said

Hi Sophie

We're enjoying seeing what you all are doing. It all looks great fun and we look forward to hearing more when we see you this summer.

Bon voyage on Friday -love g and g xx

Tina Hunter said...

Hey Zak,

Could have used your raft to get to work yesterday!!!

Glad to see you are having a great time. Can't wait to hear all your stories.

We all miss you.

Love Mum, Dad, Tiggy and Monty