Tuesday 17 March 2009

4S Prove to be Master Builders.

While 4K were climbing walls and high ropes, 4S were off in the fields so it took rather longer for their photos to reach the editor! The children have taken part in a variety of activities including orienteering and shelter building. The woods and fields are quite muddy as you can see! The children made some wonderful shelters, although they were a little concerned that they might have to stay in them overnight! Mr Stevens helped out too.


Liz Maher said...

Hooray 4s are there, love the shelters, it looks like you've had a fun day. All that hard work means you should sleep well!! at least till 6.30am.
See you tomorrow Finn,
love you lots
Mum,Dad and Liam xxx

Eli Payne said...

Excellent you gave the camera back about time too! That looks like mega fun for an outdoor girl like you. I just know you'll be loving it 'G'. Look forward to having you back. Lots of love and kisses. Hope Rocky's ok. Mum Dad and Harry xxxxxxxxxx

Gill said...

At long last - Jack your in a photo!! Great shelter. What a lovely three days you all have had - back to school tomorrow!!! Mum,xx