Monday 22 March 2010

We have arrived

4K say hi!
4S have also settled in nicely. More photos to follow later


1st Orpington Girls Brigade said...

Hiya, glad to here you have all settle in nicely, hope you've enjoyed today's activities especially with this good weather (although a little cold!). Look foward to hearing more news and seeing more photo's soon!!

Lots of love
The Stone Family
P.S. Hope you get a good nights sleep, LOL :)

Sean said...

Have fun 4k - Hope the boys all behave in that room together!

Lewis, Yasmin is missing you already - she doesn't have anyone to annoy...


Mum, Dad and Yazz

Abbie said...

Great to see you all arrived safely. We hope you all have a great time and we look forward to seeing more pictures.
Our house seems very quiet without Sam and Tom!!
What time will you all get to sleep later??? LOL
Love to all.
Nikki, Steve and Abbie xxx

Abbie said...

Hi Sam and Tom,
Glad to hear you've all arrived safely!! It was nice to see a few photo's, looking forward to seeing some more very soon! Hope you've settled in well and have done a few good activites. Hope you have a good day tommorow too! The house is very quiet without you both here, a bit to quiet!! Miss you loads, and cant wait to see you on Wednesday. Lots Of love, Abbie xx
Ps. Dont go to bed to late!! ;)

The Maidments said...

Hi all

Hope you are all having a wonderful time and have enjoyed the activities so far.

Daniel we are missing you loads - have lots of fun and we will see you on Wednesday.

Hope you all manage to get a good nights sleep and have a great day tomorrow!!

Lots of Love

Rebecca, James and Amelia xxx

Donalds said...

Hope you managed to get some sleep. (Hope the children did too !)
Have lots of fun today.
Kathryn says "Good Morning Bev"

Lots of love
The Donald family

Julie said...

Hi James

Hope you are having a lovely time and enjoying all the activities and going to bed when you are told to!

Jack is missing you cos he has no one to wind up and we are missing you as its very quiet in this house without you!

Have a lovely time see you wednesday!

Lots of love
Mum, Dan,Jack,Lewis & Harry xxxxx

Joanna said...

Hello Sebastian, James and all of

Hope you all survived the mudslide yesterday and didn't chat too much last night...!
Artur and Mia say hello too.

Have a fantastic day today and we all look forward to seeing the next lot of photos.

Lots of love
Joanna x

The Sellars said...

Hi everyone - hope you had a great first day and that the sun cotinues to shine for you.

Jessica, Eddie and Oscar are really missing you.

Looking forward to seeing the photos of you all in action on the high ropes!!
Lots of love
The Sellar family x

Jan & Marc Ollis said...

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a good night's rest and are ready for a day full of fun.

Sophie - we really miss you and look forward to seeing you tomorrow and hearing all about it.

Lots of love,

Jan & Marc Ollis