Tuesday 22 June 2010

Tuesday Morning at Etaples Market

After a good night's sleep for most, and a reasonable night's sleep for others it was croissants and pain au chocolat for breakfast before getting on the coaches for the short journey to Etaples. Facing an 'Apprentice' style task each group had to buy bread, cheese, fruit, a postcard and a French present for a member of staff with the 10 euros provided.

Lord Sugar, (aka Mr Youlton) judged the entries in the boardroom and all groups were eventually fired to leave Miss Shippey's group to be hired!

This afternoon we are on site undertaking a variety of activities. Everyone in good spirits and eating well.


jane and adam manie said...

well done miss shippeys group !!! knew you could do it libs xxxxxx

Brown Family said...

Hi all. What's with the long faces girls? Surely you haven't fallen out already?! I should imagine the children who had just a 'reasonable amount of sleep' probably referred to your group (amongst others) so hopefully you are just tired. You can't be fed up already, it's only day 2!!!
Miss you and love you loads Lizzie.
Mum xxxxxx

Katy Fisher said...

Well done to miss Shippey's group.Lord sugar looks very serious in the photo. I'm sure it's been lots of fun for all.
Enjoy all the rest of activities Sophie. lots of love from maman Katy, maman Feri, baba Matthew and Bubble xxxx

Tracey Day said...

Hi Brandon
Looks like you are having alot of fun. Jordan says hi. He is being as loud as you usually are on the Xbox this week ;-). Look forward to more photos. Love Mum, Steve and Jordan xxx