Friday 22 June 2012

Dear Parents and Carers

The staff and pupils are now waiting to board the coach and leave the ferry, they are running slightly later than expected.

Expected time of arrival back at school is 8.20pm this evening.

Washing Machines at the Ready!!!!

Arrival back at school is expected to be at approximately 7.45pm, but this will be subject to traffic on the motorways in France and in England! Groupcall will be used to inform parents of any changes in anticipated arrival time. The drop-off point will be the Tubbenden Lane access gates, where the coaches departed.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Markets, museums, monkeying about and moves!

Mr Youlton and Miss Wollaston started the day with a jog.  Annie put them to shame!

Today was jam-packed!  We started the day with a walk to town to purchase food and drink for our own delicious lunches.  We tried out our French at the market and in the shops, purchasing tasty fruit, crunchy baguettes and vainglorious cakes! 

Purchasing fruit at the market

Carrying our shopping back to the centre

Hanging out in the market

After shopping in style, we visited the Resistance Museum which was incredibly interesting and made us realise how brave the people were who fought for freedom in Europe during World War Two.
Miss Keane translating in the Resistance Museum

Back at the centre, we enjoyed eating our lunch and had some free time before heading to Arbr'en Ciel where we tackled the high ropes.  We whizzed down zip-wires, balanced on swing-bridges and tested our nerve!

Enjoying our homemade lunches

Kelvin swinging through the trees!
Zip wire action!

We rounded off the day by throwing some shapes on the dancefloor and cringing at the moves being busted by the staff!
Strutting our stuff on the stage

The coolest teachers on the dancefloor...not!

The chololate factory and snail farm await tomorrow!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Tubbenden's Norman Invasion

'The coach trip today was long but worthwhile because the D-Day beaches and the battery were off the scale in terms of interest!  The 360 cinema was good because we could look all around and it showed how the beaches today compare to what they were like in 1944.  During the walk down to what was Gold Beach, we saw loads of war machinery and vehicles and these fascinated us and filled us with awe.  When we reached the batteries, they amazed us as they were colossal and the barrels were about twice the size of us!'  Toby Allen, Tommy Croager, John Weng and Matthew Willey

'The experience in France has been amazing!  We thoroughly enjoyed the 360 cinema which gave us a memorable, moving reminder of what troops went through on the Normandy Beaches.  A lot of people got messy (apart from Lucius and Connor, of course!) tucking in to their tasty ice creams by the beach.

Hi to all the mummys and daddys!'  Zak White, Lucius Raggett and Connor Kelly

'Today we were lucky to taste a variety of French ice creams.  They were scrumptious!  After practising our French, we plucked up the courage to ask for our choices en Francais (in French!)'  Kyra Hughes and Alisha Church
 'We have had an amazing time in France and today we have seen many historical sights in Normandy. At the 360 cinema it was really overwhelming because it reminded us about the price people paid for our freedom during World War Two.'  Poppy Owen and Rhiannon Barton-Coombes
‘We enjoyed going to the 360 cinema where we watched a film about D-Day in WW2. After that, we went to the Normandy beaches, where many soldiers fought bravely for the Allied forces. Finally, we went to the gunning range, where the French army* would have shot enemy boats out at sea.’ David Barnes and Kelvin Liew
*Editor's note - it was the German army, not the French!

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Olympic Games, French Stylee!

'We enjoyed today with our penpals.  During the day we had a chance to get to know them as we competed in  a mini Olympics in the local park, with prizes and medals at the end.  We our enjoying our trip and are loving the sunny weather!'  Abbie Davidson, Amelia Wall and Ellie Lowe

A game of floorball

Testing our aim with sarbacane
Disc golf! 
Our bronze medal winning team
Silver medalists
Gold!  Equipe 5

Hanging out with our French pals

Le gouter (a snack before leaving)

Pool fun

Enjoying a well-earned, tasty dinner

'We thought that the day was great and thoroughly enjoyed the breakfast. We also enjoyed meeting our pen pals and the sport was fun, but quite tiring!' Kirsty Pedlar-Barnes and Abigail O'Malley

'Breakfast was great. It was really fascinating to see how the French school was different to ours and how some of the children’s faces have changed from the photos they sent us! Overall, the day was great!  Megan Ward and Natasha Greef
'We could have said that this has been the best day ever because we met our French pen pals and saw how different their school is to ours. We also enjoyed a mini Olympics which was great!  Tom Lewis and Daniel Shave
'Having fun in our SPEEDOS! Wish you were here in the sunny weather! We couldn’t understand a word the French people said but they didn’t understand a word we said!  However, we still had an awesome day and gave speaking French a good go! The chalets are fab - we have our own mini house!
Pics going fast; snapping like crocodiles!
From the coolest kids on the coach!
P.S Ben is looking forward to his birthday on Friday.'  Sam Bury, Sam Watling, Robert Strachan, James Stubbs and Ben Miller
'As we entered the pool, an immense water slide towered above us!  We couldn't wait to zip down it! The diving boards were awesome and we had a great time splashing about and annoying the whistle-happy lifeguards!'  Annie Ponulak and Helaina Fovargue

Monday 18 June 2012

We have safely arrived in Forges-les-Eaux, after an exhausting day!

Once in France, the coaches headed for different destinations. The group who visited Escargot Mon Ami (the snail farm) learnt all about the life cycle of snails (in French!), held some (slimy!) and made a souvenir keyring.

Those who visited the chocolaterie found out about how chocolate is made, and had the opportunity to buy some delicious sweet treats.

The day provided us with plenty of amusement!

Miss Wollaston rescuing a ball during our lunchtime kick-around.

It's chino time!

While at another river, Mr Youlton was rescuing a waterproof which had 'fallen' in.

The boys were inspired by the 15 minute massages being given on the ferry!

Year 6 set sail

After a short delay due to ordinance clearance in the Channel (mines which had been disturbed during the recent bad weather apparently!), Year 6 set off on the ferry to Calais, waving the white cliffs of Dover goodbye.

We have arrived in France!

Children and staff have arrived safely in France. Please check back later today for news of today's activities.

Thursday 14 June 2012

School Trip to Forges-les-Eaux

School Trip to Forges-les-Eaux

Dates: Monday 18th – Friday 22nd June 2012

Travel: Children should arrive with parents and luggage at 6am near the Tubbenden Lane school access gates (assemble on pathways and grass verge). The coaches will be loaded for a prompt departure at 6.30am. We expect to arrive at Forges Les Eaux at approx. 6.00pm local time (5.00pm English time). All children should bring a packed lunch for the outbound journey. Notice of safe arrival will be posted on the school web site at and parents will be notified via Groupcall.

On Friday, arrival back at school is expected to be at approximately 7.45pm, but this will be subject to traffic on the motorways in France and in England! Groupcall will be used to inform parents of any changes in anticipated arrival time. The drop-off point will be the Tubbenden Lane access gates, where the coaches departed.