Thursday 7 June 2007

And More!!!

Spot the Head Teacher?! - he got very wet trousers

We hope you have enjoyed seeing these pictures. We look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow!


sootyandsammy said...

LOVE IT!!!!!

At last we are all happy!!!!


And , yes, I'm sure we'd all love to buy some prints!! We want to see tham ALL when you get back, even the ones Mr Y doesn't want us to....


Love you Dan xx

sootyandsammy said...

PS - Can you take some group shots on the ferry?? Many Thanks!

muffinheadsdad said...

Hi Benny - Fluffy Bob and Hammy B say hi and wish they were there! (although they might end up on the menu!) I miss my 3.15 walk to school to get you, so I have been going anyway, and coming home alone! See you soon. Lots of love, Dad xxx

JackJoseph said...

Absolutely fantastic idea. Have been studying all the photos and think it's been a huge success having the bloggs and photos. Can't wait to see them return tomorrow and hear all their stories. Thanks for keeping us all updated.

Alex Ellis said...

Sooooo glad that they are home and BOY you weren't kidding about the clothes standing up on their own. Happily though, they didn't seem to get through ALL the clothes so washing only three loads!!!!
Thank you to ALL the staff for looking after the kids and getting them home exhausted - I think you all deserve to pour yourselves a large glass of Duty Free this evening!
Thank you.