Wednesday 6 June 2007

Mercredi le 6 juin!!

Everyone is having a really marvellous time!! We would like to share with you some of the comments made by the children in their daily diaries so far:

"Today we had a delicious breakfast which included chocolate croissants. Afterwards we did abseiling which was extremely scary when you had to lean over the side - I felt very proud I had done it"... Vinushan.

"Kayaking was superb!!! we played head, shoulders, knees and toes. Everyone fell off the kayak except me so the instructor pushed me off instead..." Ellen Glover

"The ferry was cool, the chateau is great and I saw Billy the chicken"... Holly Hull

"We did chateau olympics which was really great - my favourite game was welly wanging because we had to try and hit the instructor...

Ryan Dasley

"We went to the market in Etaples. I spent quite a bit of money on gifts as well as things for me. Then we went back and made mayonnaise which was really funny. This was due to the fact that I held the mixture over my head to check it was stiff enough"...Isabel Parkhouse.
From these comments we are sure you can see that we are all having fun!
Today we visited a goat farm and a chocolate factory - more comments about that tomorrow! It was great.


sammysooty said...

Hey that all looks so much fun, you are all going to be so fit and healthy when you get back!

Shame about the waterproofs Mr Y......!

Caitlin P said...

It looks like you are having a fantastic time in France! I can't wait until I am in year 6!

Looking forward to Isabel making me some mayonnaise when we she gets home.

Caitlin Parkhouse - Amber Class (Isabel's little sister)

andy lord said...

hi matt

Great pictures, looks like i should be there and not you, have fun.

Matthew's dad

stella said...

Hello all,

Glad everyone is having so much fun in France! But I was wondering, is Josh there with you, because I haven't seen him around much recently..I think last time I saw him was Monday morning! Somebody please reply to let me know he is safe, I am starting to get very worried about my poor little Joshie! Thank You.

Josh's Mum

Maria said...

Hi Madeleine and Megan! Great pictures, hope you manage to eat the mayonnaise. Looks like everyone's having a wonderful time! Hope to see lots of pictures when you get back.

Maria G, Madeleine's Mum

The Hughes Family said...

Hi Connor,

I hope you are having an excellent time in France. We are looking forward to all the exciting news you can tell us when you come home. See you on Friday!

Your bro Kieran

Mum, dad and Liam send loads of luv.

JackJoseph said...

Fantastic raft building by Mrs Gallagher's group! Stella, Josh has an oar in his hand! Don't you recognise him! Has he been gone that long? Definite man over board - Scott's very wet by the look of it! If you get to see this Scott England won 3-0! VERY QUIET IN THIS HOUSE AT THE MOMENT.

Sue (Scott's mum)

jane and adam manie said...

hi adam

nice to see a photo of you on the raft.looks like youre having a great time. england won thank goodness.
have a great day tomorrow and look forward to seing you on friday !

jane and libs

Unknown said...


Great photos, looks like everyone having a great time.

Hope Holly has saved some chocolate for me!!

Cheryl (Holly's mum)

LarryM said...

hi everybody especially 6B, glad to see the weather is great and you are having a fab time. The activities sound a bit scary but look fun, wish I was there to have a go!! Would like to see a few more pics of 6B PLEASE. Can't wait to see you on Friday and hear all about it.

Julie (Tom & Sam W's mum)

Unknown said...

Looks like the children are having a wonderful time. Please don't bring the chicken home Holly!

Kate Hull (Holly's big sister)

Tracey Day said...

Hi Jordan,

Glad you are having a great time.
I cant wait until year 6 when I can go on my school trip.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Love Brandon & Mum (Day)

Ted said...

Hi Matt

Looks like you are all having a great time. Hope you are enjoying yourself, we will see you at the weekend.

Nan and Grandad

judy said...

hi billy
enjoy your last day cant wait to see you missed you loads
love harry and mum

Alex Ellis said...

Bonjour Gemma
Presume that you are there and enjoying yourself! Is your team keeping Mr. Y too busy to take any photos?
Megan and the moggies are missing you loads and can't wait to have you home.
Enjoy your last day and have a safe journey home.
See you tomorrow night.
Lots of love and hugs
Mum, Dad, Megan, DB & Fudge xxx

stella/Josh's attractive mum said...

Just worked out how to use this method of communication.

Im so glad your having such a great time, it looks like really fun experiences your all having. Wish i was there!

I would just like to point out that i do recognise my son.. usually but the recent pictures had facial obscurities..a helmut.
please could i see some photos of Josh's face?. .
Ms.Ashley dont foreget Josh has the washing powder in the zip part of his case and i believe Mrs. Gallagher has the pegs.

A quick message for the parents of 6G. Apparently Scott's Dad has offered to do any washing not done when the children return on Friday. Thanks for that Richard!

Josh we miss you..did you really eat frogs legs???

Lots of love

Stella/Josh's mum

stella/Josh's attractive mum said...

Dear Parents of 6G
Pardonnez waz not monsieur Coulson who has offered to do Ze washing mais Madamme Bee.
Terry (Harry's Mum) apparently has an industrial sized washing machine (Much needed in her house i believe).

Merci Terry!

Sandra said...

Hi Nathan

Was that u on the raft??? Lovely to see all the photos-gives us some idea of the fun you're all having. Looking forward to seeing you tmz xx

Luv Mum and Rhiana

Chris (Alex's mum) said...

are you there, not seen you in any of the pictures. Hope you are having a good time.

The house is very quiet.
Ollie and James send their luv.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Luv Mum, Dad, James and Ollie xx

Chris (Alex's mum) said...

Alex Woods
This is from Dad
Hope you are well and have enjoyed yourself, how wet and how muudy are you.

Do the clothes stand up on their own.

By the way you are cooking this week end, and we are not having frogs legs or snails

Get home safely and don't forget the duty free booze.

Luv Dad

jane g said...

Looks like you all have had a fantastic time. Thank you to all the people that have made this school journey very special for Y6
Cant wait to hear about it and seeing you all tonight.
safe journey home x

Oli jimmmmmmm max buttercup and blossom miss you especially jim he needs his cheerios.
love & miss you lots mum dad scott brad and brett x