Saturday 22 March 2008

4Q Are Back - Photos to Follow!

4Q arrived back at school safely to the delight of their waiting parents. They had a very busy last few hours at Arethusa, what with stripping off their beds (yes, they can all do it!!) and packing before they moved on to the activities. Then it was an action-packed last few hours before lunch and getting on the coach to go back home.

The class were split in to three groups, and all had a go at pool kayaking, rock climbing and the high wires. Everyone had a great time on all the activities, and many of them managed to have a go at the "Leap of Faith" where they climbed a 35 foot pole and leapt off to catch a trapeze. They all tried their best at everything, and should be very proud of themselves.

A technical problem is stopping us from posting any more photos at the moment, but they will be uploaded as soon as we can, once we get back to school. Don't forget to keep looking at the blog to see who you can spot!

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