Thursday 19 March 2009

4B Go Shelter Building.

4B have settled in extremely well. They all made their beds and tidied their rooms beautifully. (They may deny this when they get home, but it's true!!) Then we had a reasonably early night with everyone getting straight off to sleep, and a very early morning!

They've had a go at shelter-building and orienteering so far today, and here are some pictures of them in the woods, and some before and after shots of the shelters they built. There are definitely some budding architects and builders here. They also had great fun in the woods avoiding the infamous hippacrocadillopigs, a very nasty local monster!!!

Then it was off to the field for some orienteering, and provided they map read their way back from that one successfully, they'll be splitting into groups this afternoon and will be kayaking, rock climbing or on the high ropes. More piccies wil follow later today.


The Baker's said...

Hi Sam, looks like you're really having fun. Great shelter building, hope you don't have to sleep in it later, could be a bit draughty. Keep the pictures coming. Alex says hello.

Mum, Dad & Alex xx

Amrit Chahil said...

Hello Simran
we are missing you lots hope you are having a lovely time,
we are certainly missing the simran smile and laughter.
so give us a big cheeseze smile on your next pics
lots of love.xxxxx.

afarmer said...

Hi Nathan
Looks like you are having a wonderful time. Liam keeps looking for you and asking where you are. Hope you have a good day tomorrow.

Mum, Dad and Liam xx