Tuesday 17 March 2009

Reach for the Stars!

The children have been off in groups this morning doing different activities. Some of 4K have been learning new skills on the climbing wall or the high ropes, and they have had a brilliant time supporting one another when the going got a bit tough. See who you can spot in this selection, and yes, some of them are on top of a telegraph pole!! As for Miss Hollands, the children will explain all when you see them.


lisa said...

Oh my God it looks so high, it's making me dizzy just looking at the photos!!! Well done to all, you are amazing!
love lisa

Gill said...

Looks as though they are all having fun (including the teachers!)& the weather has been great. Enjoy the rest of your time. xx

Eli Payne said...

Georgi did you actually go on this trip? I can only see 4K children. Did 4S check into a luxury hotel nearby I wonder?
All missing you very much.

Harry says hi xx

Eli Payne said...

We just worked out why you're not in any of the pictures. You must be taking all the photos!! :-)

Aunty Talitha said...

Looks like your all having a FAB time. Cant wait for you to come back to tell me all about it.

emma j.b said...

wow how did you get up there? It looks so high. Well done sis you have made a big effort!!! Now keep that smile on that face of yours!!!

lots of hugs and kisses from EMMA, Mummy, Daddy, Toffee and Fudge

Liz Maher said...

Orpington calling 4s, are you there?
Would love to see some photos of what you did today.

Finn, hope you're having a great time, can't wait to see you tomorrow.
Love you lots,
Mum,Dad and Liam xxx