Tuesday 7 July 2009

More comments from the children!

Jonathan and Connor G - "The raft building and canoeing was REALLY FUN but so so cold and we are still wet now!" Connnor says " I can't wait for my birthday tomorrow!"

Zak - " Iloved going on the zip wire but the harness was really painful - I had two turns".

Luke T and James - "We really enjoyed the initiative exercises, especially Charlotte's web".

Max, Michael and Sophie B - "It was fun playing our own version of the apprentice and we had to find our way round the market to buy the bread and the cheese. Mr Youlton was QUITE LIKE Sir Alan Sugar??!!"

Nathan and Robert W and Hannah - "Our favourite this afternoon was the obstacle course because you got covered in mud from head to toe. We wish you were here!"

Tom, Jack U and Luke D - "Our favourite activity was the assault course because Tom poured water over Mr Fraser when he came out of the tunnel."

Matt W and Jack J - "Our favourite thing today was canoeing because we all fell in the water and we also enjoyed doing the raft building."


Hobbs Family said...

Sounds like your all having a brilliant time! Miss you so much Daniella, cant wait to see you friday.

Lots of love

Mummy, Daddy, Hailey & Alfie xxxx

sootysammy said...

Hey Jon! Hope I packed you enough clothes - run around to get warm! You wont believe the rain we're getting here - hope you're not! xx

Sam Crane said...

Hi Paige Looks like you are having a fab time doing your favourite thing...spending money Ha Ha!! Hope you are eating well? and that you are coping with no ketchup!! We miss you so so much and look forward to seeing what you are up to for the rest of the week...we are looking everyday! Lots of Love,Kisses and BIG Hugs Mummy, Daddy, Ben, Luna and Louis xxxxxx

Dooraree said...

Hi Shaanya we are so happy to see you having so much fun enjoy yourself we are missing so much here shivam is counting days for your return already 3 to go cant wait for friday to come loooovvvee u loaaaaadddsss
Mummy Daddy Shoana &Shivam

Dooraree said...

Hi Shaanya we are so happy to see you having so much fun enjoy yourself we are missing so much here shivam is counting days for your return already 3 to go cant wait for friday to come loooovvvee u loaaaaadddsss
Mummy Daddy Shoana &Shivam

Shobbs said...

Bonjour Daniella !!!!

The photos look great- you all look very busy and look like you're having a wonderful time!!!!

Hope you bring us back some sunshine .. it hasn't stopped raining here and its freezing !!!

J'espère que vous avez une bonnes vacances !!!!! hope thats right lol ??

Love you loads, Nannie and Grandad (from cold wet London yuk !!) xx

The Davis Family said...

Hi Leah

Looks like you're having fun! All missing you. Cold and very wet here so enjoy!

High five !

The Davis Family x