Monday 21 June 2010

Bon Voyage

After weeks of anticipation Year 6's Trip to France has finally got underway! Pupils and Staff, accompanied by Head Teacher, Mr Youlton of Tubbenden Primary Schools left this morning, bound for The Chateau du Broutel, France.

Look out for a further post later on today to confirm their arrival.


The Bennett Gang said...

Hope the journey is smooth - and fun! Fingers crossed for sunshine all week. Lots of Love Sophie, Mum/Dad/Zoe xxx

The Barnes said...

Glad to hear you have arrived safely.......let the fun begin!
Have a wicked time, we will all be watching, George says make sure you have the frogs legs, they taste just like chicken!!!
Love you Ellie
Mum,Dad ,George & Alfie

Brown Family said...

Hope you're all having a great time, bet you haven't stopped chatting since you left Orpington! Look forward to seeing more photos of you all.

Try to get some sleep tonight, although I think it will probably be a late one knowing you lot!

Jack keeps asking where you are and when I tell him you're on holiday he says "why?!". Think it'll be a long week!

Have a great time. Love you Lizpops.

Mum, Dad, Tom, Nicnic, Jack and Bubba xxxxxx

Karen Blackledge said...

Hi Aaron!!! Lovely to see you on the ferry and look forward to seeing all the pics of Year 6's trip. Have a great time, lots and lots of love, Mum, Dad and Mark XX

the Reids said...

Hi Lou - missing u already, weird without u here.
Jake says he misses u, more like missing the arguing, i must say im not missing that!
Darcy said she wants 2 cum and c u.
Have a brill time and try 2 get some sleep. Oh and i forgive u 4 not saying goodbye as long as i get a hug on Friday.
Love u loads Mum, Lee, Jake and Darcy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx