Tuesday 13 March 2012

Day Tue at Arethusa!

Dear Parents, carers, brothers, sisters grandparents and sundry miscellaneous others!

What a super day - and it's not over yet. After varying amounts of sleep (or sleep deprivation in Mr Fraser's case!) we awoke to another cloudy, but dry day, here on the banks of one of the final meanders of the Medway estuary as it's waters make their way lazily into the sea (Y6 please note).

After a breakfast of cereal, scambled egg, toast and jam it was off to activities. As you will see from the many and varied shots accompanying this blog, these included, climbing, building shelters, swimming and high ropes. The children worked very well as teams and gave each other plenty of encouragement. They all put in 100%, supported each other, had fun and challenged themselves to go a bit further than they thought possible.

Then it was lunch, delicious tomato soup, massive cheese baguettes, with a choice of yogurt and fruit to follow, before on to more of the activities in the afternoon. Some of Mr Fraser's class enjoyed the challenge of Initiative Exercises as well during this time.

Then it was dinner; chicken or vegetable curry or chicken casserole, finished off with chocolate cake.

Sometime between all this we managed to squeeze in a visit to the shop - do look out for gifts stuffed deep inside suitcases on our return!

As I write this, we are having a brief pause before an evening bonfire on the foreshore. Some are having showers before and others after this event before, hot chocolate, bisuit and a well earned bedtime.

And so to bed...


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